Kol. Piet Groenewald Cel: +27 71 895 4303Fax: +27 86 545 5448Email: info@wips.co.zapiet@wips.co.zabemarking@wips.co.zaKantoor: +27 73 040 4280
P O Box 2457Groblersdal, 0470
Wildlife Investigation and Protecting Services (W.I.P.S.) is an independent private company that receives no government funding. The main aim of WIPS is the conservation and protection of game. Even though WIPS receives no support from the government it works closely with and supports the SAPS (Animal Theft Unit) and Nature Conservation organizations, such as the Loskop Dam Nature Reserve, where WIPS is involved in the protection of Rhino’s.
The WIPS team handles Distress Call Outs, Livestock Thefts, Farm Attacks, Call Outs for Burglaries, Thefts and more.
WIPS provides trained Khwe nature conservation rangers to commercial farmers, at present in the Stoffberg, Middelburg, Loskop Dam and Marble Hall areas.
It must be mentioned that WIPS is now not only involved in removing snares and tracking poachers, but provides protection to commercial farms where the theft of electric (copper) cables on irrigation equipment is a serious problem. The farms under irrigation below the Loskop Dam are also known for citrus, grapes, peaches, watermelon and other fruit that are produced for export. Protection against theft becomes a serious problem during the harvesting of these products.